Thursday, May 5, 2016


"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one anther, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies - in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

Thank you to my beautiful model Courtney, who is not only beautiful on the outside but is such a beautiful soul who is also very intelligent and driven towards her goals. She reminds me that so much goes into what a person represents- from that first impression based on appearance, to those superficial conversations, to the actions that people make that define them. Never forget that how the world sees you is a mixture of the external and the internal. We can't constantly blame others for who we are or how we are treated. Our environment of course plays a role, but we have a responsibility to ourselves and to God as well. How you develop who you are and how you offer that to the world will define how you will impact the world. We all make an impact on lives, since we are a part of society. This also means that we decide how deep of an imprint we want to make. We live on this planet for only a short life span, but as we are here God through Jesus Christ has not only provided us with numerous and diverse talents, but has equipped us with each other to use each other as instruments to work and grow together. We need to take those talents and run with them confidently. I have to admit that during the grind of the semester, especially now at the end of the semester, I feel like I am not contributing to society and am just studying and relaxing when I can no longer study. However, there are also moments of cultivation that are important to prepare us for when we go out and take action. But even in this challenging monotony, we/I need to use our/my talents daily with and for those that we do interact with, like friends and family. What will you do tomorrow, even through something small, to utilize who you are and what cha got?

With Love,


  1. You really have the perfect fashion sense. Love your outfit!

  2. Christine, Courtney is beautiful... green is a wonderful color on her... I do agree that we need to remember to use our talents daily... it's not always easy but it is very important xox


Thank you for the lovely comment. God bless & stay Be-you-tiful!