Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fall Lookbook 2015 | Eco Ethical Fashion

Ethical/Sustainable/Fair Trade Options for all garment and shoes listed below! ;)

Look 1: Casual in Knits
Multicolored Chunky Knit Scarf | Old Purchase (Maurices, low ethical standards)
>> Ethical Option: Fair Trade Multicolored Tie Dye Scarf | Fashion Conscience
Their website states transparency and supply chain responsibility, but lack of details and minimum requirements have prevented me from shopping at Maurices, as an ethical fashion consumer.
Teal Knit Sweater | Hand me down (originally Lululemon, not ethical)
>> Ethical Option: Fair Trade, Organic Cotton Teal Knit Jumper | PrAna
Although Lululemon is touted as the rave for yoga moms, with high quality and connection to the planet and your body through yoga, I doubt their labor and environmental standards do anything but meet minimal requirements, based on the information on their website. So much for 'one with the earth.'
White High Rise Denim Jeans | Hand me down (originally 7 For All Mankind, low ethical standards)
>> Ethical Option: Monkee Genes, eco, ethically conscious, partnered wit a charity for worker's rights in Bangladesh
The most sustainable fashion is thrifting! Looking at 7 For All Mankind, their website shares their sustainability and community impact projects. Although their website states that they uphold strict standards for workers and have sustainability projects, Shop Ethical Consumer Guide graded them an F.
Burgundy Leather Boots | Artisan Made, purchased while backpacking in Ecuador
>> Similar:  Handmade in Peru by a small artisan workshop, Leather Oxford Laceup Boots | Nisolo
>> Similar: Vegan Suede, handmade in Europe, Vintage Olive Vegan Leather Boots | Vegetarian Shoes
Purchased in Baños, Ecuador from a small local artisan store while I was backpacking, these were handmade by local artisans and assembles with local material sourcing.

Look 2: Maxi with a Vintage Feel
Creme Blouse | Old Purchase (Forever 21, absolutely not ethical)
>> Ethical Alternative: High Transparency, factory in China, Silk Blush Blouse | Everlane
>> Ethical Alternative: Recycled Fiber Creme V-neck Blouse | HM Conscious Collection
Purchased before I made the hop to ethical fashion, Forever 21 is presently one of the more notorious American fashion companies to have human rights violations. Forever 21 received an F from the Shop Ethical Consumer Guide for their cotton sourcing and labor standards from suppliers.
Brown Maxi High Low Skirt | Raven and Lily 
Ethically made by a women's coop sourcing, artisan made, recycled polyester material
Vintage Jewel Clip on Earrings | Estate Sale 
Thrifting is sustainable at it's best!
Nude Heel Sandals | Clarks Shoes, not ethical
>> Ethical Alternative: Sustainably made, handmade in Peru in a small workshop, Bolivar Wedge Almond | Nisolo
These heels are also a hand-me-down. Clarks Shoes scored an F from the Shop Ethical Consumer Guide and an E from Rank A Brand.

Look 3: Muted Tones for School

Quetzal Leather and Woven Fabric Backpack | c/o Kakaw Designs
Ethically made by women's coops in Guatemala, substainably dyed fabrics, local sourcing (check out my interview with them here!)
Teal Tassel Scarf | (Forever 21, absolutely not ethical)
>> Ethical Alternative: Fair Trade, handmade in Cambodia Emerald Scarf | Voon
>> Ethical Alternative: Handmade in Ethiopia by a women's group (survivors of human trafficking), Mist Grey Scarf  | FashionAble
>> Ethical Alternative: Handmade by a women's coop in Guatemala, Cotton Aqua Scarf | Novica
>> Ethical Alternative: Handmade by an independent artisan in Thailand, Light Green Silk Scarf | Novica
Leather Leaf NecklaceRaven and Lily
Women's group in India, artisan made
Dusty Rose Long Sleeve | Threads for Thought
>> Similar Here: Sustainably Made Neutral Colored Long Sleeve Tees from Threads for Thought
Threads for Thought is one of my favorites for basicwear, they ethically and sustainably produce in a factory in China with one of the highest water sustainability systems for garment production
Forest Green Ankle Jeans | AG Jeans
Sustainable fibers, vertically integrated factory and excess fabric upcycled
Nude Ballet Flats | Shoes of Prey (low-medium ethical standards)
>> Ethical Alternative: Handmade in Uganda by a women's empowerment/higher education program group, Chestnut Leather Loafer and Vintage Gold Leather Loafers | Sseko Designs
>> Ethical Alternative: Handmade in Peru by a small artisan workshop, Suede Oak Flats | Nisolo
Because of my extra-wide feet, I use shoes that are not ethically made (if you find an ethically made double wide cute shoe, let me know!). I emailed Shoes of Prey, asking them about their standards, and their answers led me to think that they are low-medium ethically made, because the response was that the shoes are responsibility made in an artisan workshop. I have listed nude ballet flats that are ethically made above.

Look 4: Layered Earth Tones for Sunday

Forest Green 5-way Maxi Dress | Seamly.Co
Sustainably handmade from recycled fabrics, Made in America
Black 3/4 Sleeve Cardigan | HM Conscious Collection
I only shop the HM Conscious Collection, because this is the only line HM carries (and the entire mall actually) that upholds a somewhat strict labor and environmental standard for the production of the garment (but of course not as good as PrAna, PatagoniaThreads for Thought, or Mata Traders who are fair trade). This means that the garment's every step is more carefully watched, with higher transparency in the production chain. You can tell which clothing is from the HM Conscious Collection because it's tag is a forest green color and is labelled "HM Conscious." This is actually mixed in with all of their normal, mass production with low ethical standards apparel, so it's a search and find deal when you go shopping at their storefront.
Watercolor Large Scarf | c/o Trades of Hope (rep Carissa Simmons)
All products are handmade by women's groups in Africa, Latin America, or Southeast Asia
Gold Brass Chevron Earrings | Greenola Style 
Fair trade, artisan made jewelry from independent artisans and coops

Wow, do I have a newfound respect for investigative ethical fashion bloggers, and journalists in general. Finding all of the alternatives to hyperlink in this blog post took me over three hours. Reflecting upon this, I realize how inaccessible ethical fashion and eco fashion really are, which is obviously a barrier for people interested in transitioning to a more conscious consumer lifestyle. And so, I have decided to draft up a blog post titled "a guide to ethical fashion" which will hopefully help you all save time when shopping as an ethical consumer. ;) Check back next week for that!

Join my travels and discoveries on  Instagram & Facebook!

Happy Fall,

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."
James 1:12 -


  1. Christine I'll definitely have to look back next week... I have found it's not easy to be ethical which is pretty sad. I wish more companies would have to produce more items that were ethical. Have a great week xox ♡

  2. You have such a pretty smile christine! Love the first outfit and the backpack!
    Bric-A-Brac.A fashion and lifestyle blog.

  3. Beautiful! Great fall looks.

  4. ALLL THEM LEAVES GOT ME FEELING SOME WAY! loved the looks :) xoxo

  5. The video was a cool change from typical pictures, and it looked fun to make, too! The second outfit was my favorite. :)

    And it's very true that conscious fashion can be hard to find. I have to constantly remind myself of this because I've been buying this way for so long that, for me, finding what I want from an ethical brand generally isn't too hard, but I have to remember that if someone has never shopped this way it would be super overwhelming! I think that's one of the biggest barriers in getting the typical consumer to start shopping more consciously. It has to become accessible, the way organic and local food has now become really accessible.

  6. Anonymous28.9.16

    Amazing post, i really liked it.
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Thank you for the lovely comment. God bless & stay Be-you-tiful!