Are you in the Southern California area? If you are, or a friend is, you definitely want to enter this giveaway to the Bead and Reel fair trade benefit show! I am actually in SoCal right now, but leave tomorrow to start my master's degree. (Happpy/sad emotions occuring)
Evening includes a reception, a brief panel discussion with several fair trade experts and the show, inspiring women of all body types and styles to find ways to work fair trade into their wardrobe! Also, tickets are $10 (with 100% of the ticket price going to The Peace Exchange's continued effort to help women in the Congo). CONTEST ENDS 11pm EST 8/27/15. Winner to be contacted through Instagram.
Enter through my Instagram Account:
You're back in Southern California... that's wonderful... I hadn't realized you had come back. I love how dedicated you are to Fair Trade... I hope more and more people get on board with this ♡
Thanks for sharing!